Moon Knight Secretly Revealed The Asylum Location In Episode 2

It turns out Moon Knight secretly revealed the Asylum location back in Episode 2, but most people missed it.

Moon Knight Thumb

It turns out that Marvel already revealed the location of the asylum that we saw in Moon Knight Episode 4, and it happened in the second installment.

Towards the end of the latest outing of the series, we see Marc Spector speaking with Arthur Harrow, who appears to be the main doctor in the asylum. And it’s the room that they’re speaking in which gives everything away, as it’s pretty much identical to one that we saw back in Episode 2, when Layla and Steven are trying to escape Harrow’s captive and they pass through a corpse-filled area.

See for yourself below:

[bwt_gallery id=”11414″]

Of course, the decor is different, but it’s definitely the same room. And while we know by now that we shouldn’t take everything we see in the show at face value, this is still an interesting bit of foreshadowing from the Moon Knight team and could have some exciting implications.

Source: The Direct
