The Moon Knight Finale Made MCU History, And Here’s How

It turns out that the finale of Disney Plus’ Moon Knight made Marvel Cinematic Universe history, and here’s how it did so.

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Marvel fans can’t stop talking about the finale of Moon Knight, and for good reason.

Between that tantalizing post-credits scene and some major reveals, it gave us a whole lot to digest and take in. But it turns out that it also made MCU history, and here’s how.

As you’ll know, the last episode of the series saw May Calamawy’s Layla El-Faouly “become the avatar of Taweret before donning an armored costume to join the fight against Arthur Harrow and Ammit.” And when a young girl asked her if she was now an Egyptian superhero, she confirmed that she was, making her the first Arab superhero in the MCU.

Moon Knight

Of course, it remains to be seen when the character will show up again and where we’ll see her next, but given the reception to her finally getting in on the action, we imagine that Marvel has big plans for Layla. Just as they do for Moon Knight.

Source: The Direct
