5 Things You May’ve Missed In The Ms. Marvel Premiere

Ms. Marvel had a lot going on in its first episode and here are 5 things you may’ve missed while watching the new show.

Ms. Marvel Thumb

The MCU now has a new hero on its roster, with Ms. Marvel making her debut today via her very own TV series. So far, the reactions to it are extremely positive and it looks like the studio has hit another home run. Which, at this point, is to expected.

There was a lot going on in the first episode, too, with many seeds planted for what’s to come. And while a lot of it was easy to pick up on, there were certainly a few Easter Eggs that may’ve slipped by you as you were watching. After all, Marvel is known for sneaky nods and references and for 5 things you might’ve missed while checking out Ms. Marvel, you can continue reading below.

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