Disney Plus Reveals New MCU Timeline Including She-Hulk

A new MCU timeline has been released by Disney Plus today which includes the franchise’s latest – She-Hulk.

She-Hulk Thumb

As expected, Disney Plus has released a new version of their MCU timeline today including She-Hulk.

Seen below, it slots the series in between Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel, which doesn’t come as much of a surprise, and means that it’s set roughly in the summer of 2025.

[bwt_gallery id=”13105″]

Of course, it’s hard to say at this early stage, but it doesn’t seem like She-Hulk will have too many implications for the wider timeline and we don’t expect a whole lot of universe-altering events to take place on the show, if any at all. Still, it’s nice to know where it slots in and we look forward to seeing how Jennifer Walters’ story continues to unfold.

Source: The Direct
