Will There Be A 365 Days 4?

With The Next 365 Days now out on Netflix, subscribers are wondering if there’ll be a fourth film in the series.

365 Days Thumb

With The Next 365 Days now streaming, you may be wondering where the story of Massimo and Laura goes from here.

Indeed, many fans are probably hoping for a fourth movie but as of today, Netflix hasn’t announced that they’re doing another one. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, of course, but it hasn’t been confirmed just yet.

After all, author Blanka Lipinska, who wrote the novels that the series is based on, has said that she wants to tell a new story and it would be “from the beginning. But this time from the perspective of Massimo.” Admittedly, that could make for an interesting premise for a fourth 365 Days, though for now, all we can do is sit back and wait and see what happens.

Source: Netflix Life
