10 Reasons Why Michael Keaton Should Become The DCEU’s Primary Batman

A lot of people think that Michael Keaton should become the DCEU’s primary Batman, and here are 10 reasons why that could work.

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The DCEU is set to undergo some major changes in the years to come, what with the multiverse about to become a major part of the franchise. One thing that we know is happening is the return of Michael Keaton as Batman, and some are even arguing that he should eventually take up the mantle of the DCEU’s primary Caped Crusader.

No doubt he’ll go on to appear in projects outside of The Flash, be it theatrically released titles or films and shows coming to HBO Max, but should he really be the main Batman? Perhaps, and you can hit the button below to continue reading about why he might just be the perfect Dark Knight for the franchise.

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