The upcoming DC Universe movie, The Brave and the Bold will have a new Batman, different from Robert Pattinson’s version in The Batman films. This was confirmed by director Andy Muschietti in an interview.
He explained that the two film series are separate and that releasing them simultaneously wouldn’t make sense. The Brave and the Bold will be based on the Batman & Son storyline and will introduce Damian Wayne, who is Batman’s son, as Robin. This Batman will fit into the new DC Universe that James Gunn and Peter Safran are managing.
Having a different actor as Batman is part of DC Studios’ strategy to create separate but possibly linked stories. There have been talks about connecting Reeves’ Batman universe with the larger DC Universe, but The Brave and the Bold will be its own thing. The movie will focus on Damian Wayne and his relationship with Bruce Wayne, which requires a different timeline and character than what we see in The Batman, especially since Damian is too young for Pattinson’s version.
The different styles of the two Batman series also play a role in keeping them apart. Reeves’ films are more grounded and detective-like, while The Brave and the Bold is expected to have a broader, more fantastical feel. This difference supports the choice to have different actors for each role. Since The Batman Part II is set to be released in 2027, having separate timelines helps prevent them from competing with each other.
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DC Studios is committed to both its existing and new storylines, aiming to balance the projects so that one doesn’t overshadow the other. Development of The Brave and the Bold is still in progress, and the film is awaiting the completion of its script before it gets the official go-ahead. A release date hasn’t been set yet, and The Batman Part II, which is scheduled for October 2027, won’t be impacted by The Brave and the Bold’s development. This situation shows DC’s dedication to expanding the Batman story while allowing for individual creative directions.