Charlie Cox, the actor who plays Matt Murdock/Daredevil, recently shared some thoughts about his time with the character at FAN EXPO San Francisco 2025. He has been involved with the role for about ten years, starting with the Netflix series in 2015. Cox talked about how difficult it was when the show was canceled in 2018, but he was happy about its unexpected revival.
During the panel, Cox hinted that he might play Daredevil for longer than expected. He mentioned conversations with the comic book team about a story that features an older Matt Murdock in his sixties, suggesting that there’s a possibility for more of the character on screen.
Cox said, “When you play a character — I’ve been playing him for 10 years — he gets older which is disconcerting,” Cox began. “What’s weird about it is in 2018, when the show was cancelled I had like breaking up period, a mourning period because we thought we were gonna do a Season 4 then that didn’t happen and overnight we got a phone call and it was like, ‘We’re done, it’s finished.”
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Cox also spoke about the personal significance of playing Daredevil, emphasizing his connection to the visually impaired community. He shared how meaningful it has been to meet people who see the character as a source of inspiration and representation. He noted that visiting a school for visually impaired students in New York was particularly touching for him.
The upcoming Disney+ series, Daredevil: Born Again, will be a big part of the character’s journey. The plot will involve Matt Murdock’s work as a lawyer and the return of Wilson Fisk (played by Vincent D’Onofrio), who aims to regain political power. Their rivalry will be a central focus of the series, set to premiere on March 4, 2025.
Cox’s comments about his future as Daredevil are somewhat open-ended. While he knows he can’t play the character forever, the discussions about the comic storyline suggest he might continue for longer than many fans expect. Although it’s unclear how long he will remain involved, his commitment to the role and its impact on the visually impaired community is evident. The launch of the “Daredevil: Born Again” series will likely provide more insights into the character’s future and Cox’s role in it.