Hawkeye’s Rogers: The Musical Created An Avengers: Endgame Plot Hole

Hawkeye’s Rogers: The Musical was a great moment for fans, but it also created a plot hole for Avengers: Endgame.

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Hawkeye fans are still buzzing about Rogers: The Musical, the stage play we see Clint watching in the premiere of the show. In fact, many are calling for Marvel to release the full thing.

But what a lot of people might not’ve realized is that it actually creates a bit of an Avengers: Endgame plot hole. And it’s all down to Ant-Man’s hilarious inclusion in the Broadway production.

Like we said, it’s funny to see him show up, but this scene in Hawkeye does cause a good deal of confusion as far as MCU canon goes and you can continue reading below to find out why.

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