The Boys EP Says Season 3 Digs Into The History Of Vought

The Boys EP Eric Kripke has teased what lies ahead on Season 3, saying that we’ll get to dive into the history of Vought.

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The Boys Season 3 is quietly coming together behind the scenes and from everything we’ve heard, it’s going to be another wild ride.

Now, EP Eric Kirpke has teased us once again with what to expect and it seems he’s particularly excited about getting the chance to dive into the history of Vought.

“I mean season 3’s fun because it’s not just about Soldier Boy, but it’s about the team he was a part of which is called Payback. And Laurie Holden plays Crimson Countess and there’s a bunch of other heroes who are amazing.

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Continuing on, he said:

“So, sort of seeing who was the Seven before the Seven. And what was life like for Vought? In the history of Vought what was it like in the 60s and 70s and 80s? To dig into the history of the world, not just the present has been a lot of fun.”

Look for The Boys to return with its third season in 2022.

Source: The Illuminerdi
