Keanu Reeves Jumped Off A 46-Story Building For The Matrix Resurrections

Keanu Reeves reveals that for one particular stunt in The Matrix Resurrections, he jumped off a 46-story building.

The Matrix Resurrections Thumb

No one can say that Keanu Reeves isn’t dedicated to his roles, as the actor is well known for fully diving into his work and often performing his own stunts. And even as he gets older, that’s still the case.

The Matrix Resurrections star recently revealed that for the upcoming sequel, he had to jump off a building, saying:

“Jump off a building… I’m gonna guess around 46 stories. It’s The Matrix and you need natural light and you want to do it real. I mean there’s wires. So, Carrie and I grab hands and we leapt off a building. We did it around 19, 20 times.”

As Reeves says, there were wires attached to him and it was no doubt a safe environment, but still, not a lot of actors would do this and it just goes to show how dedicated he is to ensuring The Matrix Resurrections lives up to the hype.

Source: The Late Show With Stephen Colbert
