Hawkeye Directors Reveal The Surprising Inspiration For That Kate/Yelena Scene

The directors behind Hawkeye have explained where the inspiration came from for that hilarious Kate/Yelena scene.

Yelena Belova Hawkeye Thumb

Hawkeye treated viewers to a great scene this week between Yelena and Kate, teasing their hilarious dynamic and instant chemistry. And surprisingly, it turns out that part of it wasn’t even planned.

Speaking about how it all came together, directing duo Bert & Bertie said:

“There was obviously a script and it was planned, and we knew we wanted Kate to kind of turn and throw something at Yelena. At first, we were just looking around the set and there was one of those lucky cats from Chinatown. So, it was going to be that at one point, but then there was this hot sauce bottle, and we loved that,” they explained.

“Then, Florence was like, ‘Oh, well, this hot sauce now needs to go all over the mac and cheese.’ Florence is hugely into hot sauce, but Hailee not so much. So, the whole thing where Yelena basically says, ‘Are you done? Can I go crazy?’ That was not planned.”

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Continuing on, they shared:

“As an actor, you have to know you’re up for many takes, and we kept wondering how much hot sauce could Florence take? She went there for real. At one point, we were like, ‘Are you sure you’re good?’ And Florence was like, ‘I’m in. I am in it. Don’t you worry.'”

Hawkeye continues with its finale this coming Wednesday.

Source: BuzzFeed
