A Beloved Marvel Show Returns To The Netflix Top 10 Thanks To Spider-Man: No Way Home

A beloved Marvel show has made its way back to the Netflix Top 10 this week and it’s all thanks to Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Daredevil Thumb

Thanks to Spider-Man: No Way Home, a beloved Marvel show has returned to the Netflix Top 10, sneaking into 10th place in the US among the most-watched TV series.

As you can probably guess, the title in question is Daredevil, with Charlie Cox’s cameo as Matt Murdock in No Way Home undoubtedly spurring a lot of interest in fans to revisit the show – or perhaps check it out for the first time. Either way, it remains one of the best Marvel projects out there and is simply fantastic.

And while there’s no official word just yet on where the character goes from here, his cameo in the Spidey threequel surely means that there’s more to come for him in the MCU.

Source: ComicBook.com
