Popular Disney Plus Movie Dethrones Don’t Look Up On Streaming Charts

Don’t Look Up has finally been dethroned on the streaming charts by a popular Disney Plus movie, and here’s which one.

Don't Look Up Thumb

Don’t Look Up has now been dethroned on the Top 10 streaming charts, and it’s due to a popular Disney Plus movie.

The Netflix smash hit continues to pull in crazy amounts of viewers, but this week it’s been knocked back by Encanto, the critically acclaimed animated film that’s caused quite a storm online, with tons of people singing its praises.

At the moment, it sits at #1 on the chart, with Don’t Look Up at #2. That being said, they’re both pretty close, with Encanto pulling in 2,198 streaming minutes (millions) and the Leonardo DiCaprio-starring flick at 2,024 streaming minutes (millions). And while there can only be 1 winner, it’s fair to say that both Don’t Look Up and Encanto have performed exceptionally well.

Source: ComicBook.com
