An Embarrassingly Bad Comic Book Movie Is Surging On Disney Plus

An embarrassingly bad Marvel movie is surging on Disney Plus this week, finding new life on the streaming platform.

X-Men: Origins Wolverine Thumb

An embarrassingly bad comic book movie – and one from Marvel, no less – is finding new life over on Disney Plus, where it sits as the 7th most-watched film in the United States after hitting the platform a few days ago. Which is certainly a surprising showing from such a critically derided production.

Of course, we’re talking about X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which was a disaster on just about every count, and is often mocked by fans for its horrid depiction of Deadpool. Along with some other bewildering creative choices that totally derailed what could’ve been a great movie.

But we digress. Whatever the reason may be, X-Men Origins: Wolverine has now found a new audience on Disney Plus and it’ll be interesting to see if it can remain in the Top 10.

Source: FlixPatrol
