Disney Plus Updated Thor: Love And Thunder’s CGI, But It Looks Even Worse Now

Disney Plus has updated Thor: Love and Thunder’s CGI a bit, but we can’t say it looks any better than before.

Thor: Love and Thunder Thumb

Disney Plus users who have already checked out Thor: Love and Thunder on the platform (it arrived today) have noticed something odd.

It seems the Mouse House has updated the CGI in 1 particular scene in the film, the one which involves Axl, Heimdall’s son. And you can see the moment in question, along with the update, below:

[bwt_gallery id=”13475″]

As many have noted on Twitter, it looks even worse now and frankly, we’re not sure why Disney Plus would do this. It won’t ruin your enjoyment of Thor: Love and Thunder as, all things considered, it’s a fairly small change, but it is a curious one nonetheless.

Source: Twitter
