It looks like a number of fan favorite characters will be returning in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Including, it seems, Captain Carter.
The official Twitter account for the Italian version of Disney+ recently tweeted the following:
“Sembra che quello scudo sia riapparso recentemente da qualche parte… non vi sembra una “Follia”? #CaptainCarter e tutti gli episodi di #WhatIf vi aspettano su #DisneyPlus!”
For those of you who don’t speak Italian, that roughly translates to:
It looks like that shield has recently reappeared somewhere… Doesn’t that sound like “Madness” to you?
Captain Carter and all the episodes of What If…? are waiting for you on Disney Plus!
Of course, they’re referring to the fact that Captain Carter’s shield is seen on the new Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness poster. Which you can see for yourself below.
[bwt_gallery id=”9093″]
Given that they’re publicly acknowledging and teasing this, it seems all but confirmed now that we’ll be catching back up with her in the film. And how exciting is that?
Source: The Direct