Hawkeye Featured An Awesome Comic Book Callback You Might’ve Missed

Hawkeye featured a fun little comic book callback in Episode 4, but most people probably didn’t even catch it.

Kate Bishop Hawkeye Thumb

Hawkeye has been full of comic book references and callbacks across its 4 episodes so far, but some of them have been easier to spot than others.

For instance, unless you read the comics, you may not’ve caught the one seen in the gallery below. If you flip through the photos, you’ll notice that the shirt Kate wore in Episode 4 is a direct lift from the one she has in the source material.

[bwt_gallery id=”3791″]

Pretty cool, right? Obviously, this isn’t something that causal Hawkeye viewers would’ve picked up, but it’s a nice nod to the comics all the same.

Source: ComicBook.com
