The premiere of Hawkeye featured a number of cool Easter Eggs for fans to pick up on, including one that nodded towards the original Iron Man movie. But what you may not’ve known is that it also referenced star Hailee Steinfeld’s career.
If you’ll recall, early on we see Kate Bishop at college getting up to no good, attempting to ring the school’s bell by shooting it with her arrow. What’s interesting about this, though, is that the building Kate’s firing at, the one that houses the bell, is called Stane Tower, which is obviously a reference to Obidiah Stane, the villain of Iron Man.
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Of course, he’s played by Jeff Bridges, who starred alongside Steinfeld in her big screen debut, True Grit. Making it very fitting that the actress’ first scene in the MCU references the man who she was seen alongside in her first Hollywood film.
As they say, you learn something new every day, right?