Hawkeye’s Hailee Steinfeld Explains The Impact Of That Avengers Flashback

Hawkeye star Hailee Steinfeld has explained the impact of that flashback to The Avengers seen in the premiere of the show.

Hawkeye Kate Bishop Thumb

Hawkeye featured a cool flashback to the Battle of New York from The Avengers, which Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop witnesses as a child. And according to the actress, the reason Kate acts how she does with Clint Barton is due to this moment.

“What we see with the fans that come up to him and want to take a picture with him, it’s like they’re recognizing him in a public setting and being excited about the fact that he’s in a place that they wouldn’t have expected to see him… so they want to document it and we don’t necessarily know if they’re lifelong fans or not, but with Kate we do know. She made this discovery of Hawkeye at a time of extreme loss in her life, and she sees in him part of what she lost.

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As for why Kate looks up to him so much, Steinfeld said:

“… This human who is as ambitious and maybe a little reckless, as she is, someone who wants to help people and wants to protect people, she recognizes that part of him. That’s what she idolizes.”

Hawkeye is now streaming on Disney Plus.

Source: EW
