Moon Knight Confirms That [SPOILERS] Survived The Snap

The latest episode of Moon Knight confirms that [SPOILERS] survived Thanos’ snap, and here’s how we know that.

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The latest episode of Moon Knight brought with it a few interesting revelations, including the fact that none other than the titular hero himself survived Thanos’ Snap.

It isn’t made explicitly clear, but savvy viewers will have noticed that when Steven Grant is looking through some items belonging to Marc Spector, he finds a passport which was created on December 14th, 2018, which is a few months after the Snap occurred in Infinity War, meaning he survived it. And, as ScreenRant notes, “could’ve been serving Khonshu throughout the five-year time jump in Avengers: Endgame.”

While this may not be a huge revelation in and of itself, it’s still interesting that Moon Knight‘s producers chose to include it as it could have some impact or implications on things down the road.

Source: ScreenRant
