New MCU Theory Says Kang Travels To The Present To Find Wanda

An interesting new MCU theory says that Kang will travel to the present in search of Wanda Maximoff, and here’s why.

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The MCU is about to get crazy, with the multiverse on the verge of cracking right open and changing the franchise forever.

Of course, a lot of this is due to the arrival of Kang, who turned up in Loki and made a huge impact with only a limited amount of time on screen. But he’s not the only one set to mess with the fabric of reality, as we also know that Scarlet Witch is going to be causing trouble for the various heroes and villains in the cinematic universe, and a new theory now connects the two characters.

A Reddit user puts forward the idea that Kang travels to the “present” time period of the MCU in search of Wanda. And you can continue reading below for the full rundown:

The end of Loki resets the status quo of the Multiverse. In particular, it is heavily hinted that the Multiversal War is back on. There are once again an infinite number of Kang variants, a significant proportion of which are evil and want to conquer everything. Every Kang variant is once again trying to protect their own timeline and conquer/destroy/etc… all the others (or at least the evil ones are – the good ones are just trying to protect their own timeline).

So now the question is simple – why on Earth would any Kang variant be interested in the “Present” time period of the MCU? They come from the Future, and should already have more advanced technology than anything the Present has to offer. And given that they know enough about magic to somehow block it completely within the TVA, they probably also have access to more advanced magical lore/knowledge than anything the Present has to offer.

As far as I can tell there’s only one thing that the Present has that the Future definitely would not, and that’s Wanda.

Anybody can become a Sorcerer, and there are apparently plenty of witches running around on Earth – but as far as anybody knows there is only one Scarlet Witch. There is only one, single Wanda in any given timeline/reality, and that means any Kang variant that wants to meet The Scarlet Witch must travel back to the Present. And if I was a mega genius super scientist trying to protect my timeline/reality from infinite clones of myself, I would definitely want a hyper magical reality warper on my side.

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Wanda’s mere existence not only provides Kang with a reason to interfere with the Present, it also gives the writers a perfect way to prevent her new, over-the-top power level from making everybody else irrelevant. She has a massive target on her back, and they’ve already established that Kang has powerful anti-magic tech. If any Avenger is going to get ganked/kidnapped/sent to the End of Time by the opening surprise attack of an evil Kang variant, its Wanda. They could even throw in a big, triumphant scene where Wanda finally manages to overpower whatever anti-magic mechanism Kang was using to keep her locked up – the story basically writes itself.

Every other Avenger is probably fodder for Kang. He’s a super genius, has incredibly advanced tech, mastery over time travel, and the ability to shut down magic on demand. If it can be analyzed and studied (like the magic of Sorcerers, or all of science), Kang can probably counter it. And this is why I think Wanda-Vision went out of its way to underline the fact that Wanda’s powers don’t follow the rules. She doesn’t cast spells, or even follow any kind of organized System – she just does stuff. Her magic is Capital-M Magic, and that could make her the perfect counter to a villain like Kang; an enemy he can’t fully predict even with all his knowledge and tech, because he (and everybody else) truly has no idea how her powers work.

And the parallels are just too good to waste. The Ultimate Scientists vs. The Ultimate Magic User. The closest thing the MCU has to a Time Lord vs. the closest thing the MCU has to an SCP style Reality Warper. Even if they initially introduce a good Kang variant, the parallels are still there. Both Wanda and Kang are both beings defined and given cosmological/universal significance by their innate power/smarts. He-Who-Remain’s entire life was spent trying to control “himself” (e.g. his variants), and right now Wanda’s arc is all about her getting her magic under control, etc… It’s all right there. Maybe I’m reading too much into things (this is just a Fan Theory after all), but it really does feel like the story writes itself at this point. All the pieces are in play, all the writers of the MCU have to do is move them.

TLDR: Wanda is what draws Kang to the Present of the MCU. She is an incredibly powerful “resource” that ONLY exists in the Present (there is only one Scarlet Witch) and has no peer in the Future. If Kang wants The Scarlet Witch on his side, he needs to travel back. And on the flip-side, The Scarlet Witch is probably someone any “invading” Kang would definitely want to kill as quickly as possible.

And there you have it. A bit of a wild MCU theory, but one that could indeed hold some merit as the franchise continues to dive deeper into the multiverse.

Source: Reddit
