The Book Of Boba Fett Just Set Up The Mandalorian Season 3, And Here’s How

The Book of Boba Fett Episode 5 just turned the show on its head, and even set up The Mandalorian Season 3 in the process.

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Episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett completely turned the show on its head today by giving us an outing entirely dedicated to Mando. Yes, Pedro Pascal’s beloved hero from The Mandalorian took center stage and it resulted in what was by far the best installment the series yet.

Essentially, it was The Mandalorian 2.5, setting the stage for Season 3, and it did so in a few ways. For one, we were reminded of the symbolic power relating to the Darksaber thanks to an encounter between Paz Vizsla and Din where the former tries (and fails) to beat Din in a duel.

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Aside from that, Episode 5 also planted the seeds for a new quest for Mando, as he’s now seeking the “living waters beneath the mines of Mandalore” so that he can cleanse himself after removing his helmet. But that’s not the only thing he’s seeking, as we also know that Baby Yoda’s story isn’t over, with Din mentioning the little guy several times as he plans on checking in on him.

So, a lot of pieces were put into place for The Mandalorian Season 3 today and The Book of Boba Fett just became must-watch television for Star Wars fans.
