New Batgirl Set Photos Tease Black Canary

Some new set photos from HBO Max’s Batgirl tease Black Canary, who we’ve heard will return in the upcoming film.

Black Canary Thumb

The set photos from HBO Max’s Batgirl just keep on coming. Following yesterday’s deluge of pics which showed us Michael Keaton’s new Batsuit and teased an iconic Batman villain, we now have a few more shots and these ones tease Black Canary.

There’ve been rumors that she’ll be involved in the film for a while now and the latest pics definitely back that up, with one pic advertising a live musical performance from her and another one featuring some sort of poster of the heroine.

See for yourself below:

How Black Canary will get involved in the going ons of Batgirl is anyone’s guess, but we can’t wait to see her cross paths with the titular hero should she indeed appear in the flesh.

