Peacemaker Revealed A Surprising Amanda Waller Twist

The first 3 episodes of Peacemaker are now on HBO Max and they reveal a surprising twist concerning Amanda Waller.

Amanda Waller Thumb

Peacemaker has arrived on HBO Max and along with confirming that an obscure DC character exists in the DCEU, it also gave us a surprising Amanda Waller twist.

Viola Davis returns in the show as Waller and if you’ve seen the first 3 episodes, you’ll know that she’s put together a secret task force to handle the titular hero. And of course, since she doesn’t trust anyone, she’s got someone on the inside in the form of Adebayo, who’s actually her daughter.

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Of course, in the comic books, it’s mentioned that Waller has children. But what’s surprising about this is that it’s Adebayo who’s her child, as she doesn’t exist in DC Comics. As Inverse explains:

There are many iterations of Waller’s backstory in the comic books, and a few of them involve a tragedy in which her husband and children are murdered. One of Waller’s stories even includes her having a daughter with the ability to turn into an insectoid-like creature. All of which to say, Peacemaker seems to be rewriting Waller’s origins, and the fact that her daughter is still alive, seemingly not an insect, and is Adebayo means that the DCEU’s version of the character might not have the same tragic history as in the comics.

Peacemaker continues with a new episode next week on HBO Max.

