Money Heist introduced an unexpected new duo in its final 5 episodes, with The Professor and Alicia Sierra forming an unlikely friendship in the face of their common enemy.
Sierra was hesitant at first to switch sides, but she eventually saw that it was the only way forward and the two shared some great moments in the last few installments. As expected, fans are absolutely loving this new pairing and below you can see a few of the reactions going around online.
That was just awesome !!!
The Professor and Alicia Sierra stole the show !#LCDPFinal #LCDP5 #MoneyHeist5— KamalRajini (@visawasarkar) December 3, 2021
Actually, Alicia Sierra and the Professor share the same wavelength- they just started off on the wrong foot.
Had Alicia been with the gang from the start, they could've pulled off the perfect heist. 💰#LCDP5#LCDPFinal#MoneyHeistFinale
— D (@dniiiicole) December 3, 2021
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I will ship Alicia Sierra and Professor for the rest of my life
— A. (@aria_not_grande) December 3, 2021
Am I the only one shipping professor and sierra?🤔
— ayaezmaria (@ayaezmaria) December 3, 2021
Indeed, it’s a shame Money Heist had to end just as this dynamic duo formed, but at least we got some awesome scenes between them in the final 5 episodes.