Money Heist Part 5 Racked Up Almost 190 Viewing Hours Last Week

Netflix has revealed viewing data for the last 7 days and the stats for Money Heist, in particular, are pretty impressive.

Money Heist Thumb

Netflix just updated its Top 10 website again, which shows viewing data for its biggest titles, and the numbers for Money Heist are definitely worth talking about.

Over the last 7 days, Part 5 was viewed for nearly 190 hours, blowing any and all other TV shows out of the water. In fact, the next closest one was The Queen of Flow Season 2 with 59.4 million hours.

Obviously, this is mostly due to the final 5 episodes of Part 5 debuting on Friday and subscribers were likely catching up beforehand, and then bingeing the new outings as soon as they dropped. But still, it’s an impressive feat that just goes to show how wildly popular Money Heist is.

Source: Netflix
