Why Detective Jin Kyung-hun Kept New Truth Leader Jin-Soo’s Secret In Hellbound

Chairman Jung Jin-soo had a pretty dark secret in Hellbound, that much we know, but why did detective Jin Kyung-hun decide to keep it?

Hellbound Thumb

Hellbound presented us with a more than satisfactory first season, offering some truly terrifying moments, a compelling plot and solid performances across the board. But it also forget to neatly tie up all its loose ends, leaving behind a few questions for viewers to work out on their own.

One of which is why detective Jin Kyung-hun decided to keep the deep, dark secret that New Truth leader Jin-Soo was harboring. That being that he received a decree of death back in 2002 and has been living in fear for the last few decades. And while Kyung-hun is given the chance to expose him, he instead chooses to keep Jin-soo’s decree to himself.

Why does he do this, you ask? Well, continue reading down below for the answer to one of Hellbound‘s more pressing questions.

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