Disney Plus | December 31st, 2021
A Historic Leonardo DiCaprio Movie Is Clawing Its Way Up The Disney Plus Charts
A historic Leonardo DiCaprio movie is moving up the Disney Plus charts today as tons of subscribers flock to check it out.
Disney Plus | December 31st, 2021
A historic Leonardo DiCaprio movie is moving up the Disney Plus charts today as tons of subscribers flock to check it out.
Disney Plus | December 31st, 2021
A popular Netflix series managed to double the ratings of Disney Plus' Hawkeye, and it may surprise you which one it is.
Disney Plus | December 31st, 2021
A petition to save Netflix's Daredevil is gaining momentum, with the plea now closing in on 450,000 signatures.
Disney Plus | December 31st, 2021
The Book of Boba Fett canonized a George Lucas retcon with its premiere episode this week, and here's how.
Disney Plus | December 31st, 2021
Hawkeye director Rhys Thomas has revealed a cool Kate Bishop Easter Egg that most of you probably missed in the show.
Netflix | December 31st, 2021
Here's the full, comprehensive list of everything coming to Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, Prime Video and HBO Max in January.
Disney Plus | December 30th, 2021
It turns out The Book of Boba Fett had yet another cameo and this one is from an iconic actor from within the Star Wars franchise.
Disney Plus | December 29th, 2021
It turns out that the premiere of The Book of Boba Fett had a sneaky Phantom Menace Easter Egg which you may've missed.
Disney Plus | December 29th, 2021
This incredible new MCU timeline, put together by a dedicated fan, opens up the multiverse and shows us how it all fits together.
Disney Plus | December 29th, 2021
Turns out Robert Rodriguez gave himself a hidden cameo in The Book of Boba Fett, and here's where you can find him.