Disney Plus | December 2nd, 2021
Watch: New Hawkeye Promo Teases A Mysterious Masked Man
This new promo for Disney Plus' Hawkeye teases a mysterious masked man who'll appear in a future episode of the show.
Disney Plus | December 2nd, 2021
This new promo for Disney Plus' Hawkeye teases a mysterious masked man who'll appear in a future episode of the show.
Disney Plus | December 1st, 2021
Hawkeye Episode 3 premiered today and brought with it a ton of hints at what's to come, but here are some things you might've missed.
Disney Plus | December 1st, 2021
Aside from the Kingpin hints and the use of Pym arrows, this week's Hawkeye had another surprise for fans and it had to do with Black Widow.
Disney Plus | December 1st, 2021
Today's episode of Hawkeye teased Kingpin multiple times and understandably, fans are freaking out online over it.
Disney Plus | December 1st, 2021
In this week's episode of Hawkeye, Maya mentions her uncle a few times and though she doesn't name him, we all know who he is.
Disney Plus | December 1st, 2021
Hawkeye used some pretty cool trick arrows in this week's episode of the Disney Plus show, and here's how they worked.
Disney Plus | December 1st, 2021
This week's Hawkeye was another solid episode of the Disney Plus show, and here's what went down during it.
Disney Plus | November 30th, 2021
Hawkeye star Hailee Steinfeld has explained the impact of that flashback to The Avengers seen in the premiere of the show.
Disney Plus | November 30th, 2021
Hawkeye almost featured a hilarious Avengers: Endgame Easter Egg, but unfortunately it didn't make it into the show.
Disney Plus | November 30th, 2021
According to IMDb, Hawkeye actress Hailee Steinfeld is the most popular star in the world right now, which isn't too surprising.