In a heartfelt and discreet ceremony, renowned actor Chris Evans and emerging talent Alba Baptista sealed their love in matrimony at their Boston-area residence on September 9, 2023.
The event, kept tightly under wraps, was attended by a select group of guests, among them Chris’s fellow ‘Avengers’ co-stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, and Jeremy Renner.
According to sources close to the couple, the event was shrouded in secrecy, with all attendees required to sign non-disclosure agreements, ensuring that details of the ceremony remained confidential. Additionally, in an effort to maintain privacy, guests had their mobile phones temporarily confiscated before entering the wedding venue.
Despite their high-profile status, Chris Evans and Alba Baptista have refrained from commenting on their wedding, continuing their tradition of keeping their personal life private. Rumors about their relationship began circulating in November 2022, with insiders revealing that they had been romantically involved for over a year, describing their relationship as serious.
Chris Evans and Alba Baptista got married over the weekend, PageSix reports.
— Pop Base (@PopBase) September 10, 2023
A source close to the couple stated at the time, “They are deeply in love, and Chris has never been happier. His family and friends all adore her.”
The couple’s decision to embark on this new chapter together aligns with Chris Evans’ earlier sentiments about starting a family. In a past interview with PEOPLE, he expressed his desire for a family, saying, “That’s absolutely something I want: wife, kids, building a family.”
He further emphasized the importance of relationships and family in his life, explaining, “When you read about most of the best artists, whether it’s actors, painters, writers, most of them [admit] it wasn’t the work they made [that they are most proud of], it was about the relationships; the families they created, the love they found, the love they shared.”
The wedding of Chris Evans and Alba Baptista has left fans and well-wishers eager to catch a glimpse of the newlyweds and celebrate this significant moment in their lives. As they embark on this journey together, their commitment to each other remains as steadfast as ever, and their love story continues to captivate the hearts of their admirers.