Jennifer Lawrence Lost A Tooth And Swallowed A Ring Filming Don’t Look up

Jennifer Lawrence has revealed that she lost one of her teeth while filming Netflix’s new movie Don’t Look Up, and also swallowed a ring.

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It sounds like Jennifer Lawrence didn’t have the easiest time filming Don’t Look Up.

The new Netflix movie is now playing in theaters before it hits the platform on December 24th and in a recent interview, the actress revealed that she lost a tooth while shooting the pic.

“I lost a tooth pretty early in the filming,” she explained. “And I couldn’t go to the dentist until the end of the movie, so I had to film most of the movie toothless.”

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As if that wasn’t bad enough, she also swallowed the nose ring her character wears, with Lawrence explaining that she accidentally inhaled it on more than one occasion.

“One is a magnet. And many, many times I accidentally inhaled said magnet and had to spit it out in front of Leonardo DiCaprio.”

It certainly seems as if Jennifer Lawrence had a bit of a rough time while making Don’t Look Up, but hopefully it’ll be worth it in the end if the film winds up winning some awards, which Netflix is clearly hoping for.

Source: BuzzFeed
